Every day we have something to be thankful for. Today I am thankful that I am not a murderer.
"Psycho Killer. Qu'est-ce que c'est" A famous line from the great David Byrne of Talking Heads. Some say of this song about a psycho killer that David Byrne chose to use both the English and French language in the lyrics as a vehicle to imply personal duality. I like that. You can't help but be fascinated by murderers/serial killers etc. because of terms like "personal duality." Word combinations such as "troubled and tortured soul dealing with immense levels of inner turmoil" sure do pack a more sympathetic punch than "sick fuck who stabs babies." We should all be thankful that nobody will ever call us something like that.
Some things that can drive you to become a murderer may include: abusive parents, abusive uncle, adoption(controversial!), cultish environments, schizophrenia, cold french toast, MTV, wet socks, having a strange obsession with Gianni Versace, switching to soy milk, etc.
Being a murderer has got to be extremely stressful. You know that feeling you get when you see a cop and you are speeding a little bit. Your heart drops into your stomach and your face fills with blood. What about that time in high school that you almost got caught smoking pot at your parents house. The feeling of absolute terror that rushes over your entire existence in that moment that you may get caught. Can you even comprehend possibly being caught for murder. I'll tell you.... it would take more than a slice of cheesecake to warm my heart during that soul drowning situation.
So let's all take a moment and say "Today I am thankful that I am not a murderer." Unless you are in fact a murderer in which case you must say "The dog made me do it!" If you don't get that reference..... you don't have enough of a dark side. :) Be well my angels.
Thanks for listening. Check back for more things to be thankful for in days to come.
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